Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Looks like ten full years of being a stay-at-home mom has paid off as I aced the Sporcle quiz on children's book covers. The general covers, not so much. The six year old guessing the classics bit was so painfully tedious that I stopped reading by page two. Also, I am tired today since Sporcle's vast array of addictive quizzes (books! movies! geography! i am a nerd!) kept me up way too late last night.

My new library home is Randallstown. When I worked at Towson, street or urban fiction was a genre for which customers regularly requested help in locating the collection as well as asking about new titles and authors, and I find myself in the same scenario here at the RA branch. So, I’m happy to choose Urban Fiction as my genre, using the resource Street Fiction which includes sub-genres as well as some history on the development of urban fiction and resources for librarians. As a Between the Covers blogger, I like to think that I stay abreast of new books and already visit most of the book links suggested but The Daily Beast site is new to me so that’s the one I’ll follow for this assignment.