Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last week's assignment turned out to be more fun than I was anticipating. Even though I've been a goodreads member for a while, I'm not much of a listkeeper and rarely used it. Thanks to this training, I played around with some of goodread's tools and found a few which will be useful for reader's advisory at work, and some others that were interesting to me personally. Too much time was spent using the "compare books with a friend" feature  and sorting friends' books by their ratings, especially with all my *new* BCPL friends, and I found it easy to add new books using the "continuing rating more books" feature which brings up scads of suggestions.  I see as especially useful the general book lists and "readers who liked this book also liked" list associated with a specific title when a customer wants books suggestions based on a title he or she has read in the past.

Based on Rodney Campbells' goodreads lists of books, I recommeded he try The Feud which is a non-fiction choice about the most famous warring families in America...the Hatfields and the McCoys. Rod seems to enjoy both  true crime and history, as well as books where the setting is integral to the story. In this instance, the mountains of West Virginia and Kentucky are as much a part of the story as the families, and author Dean King has produced a well-researched and detailed acount of the decades-long conflict.

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